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GRPC Ambassadors

The Greater Parkland Regional Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors are a highly visible influential group of volunteers who give their time to provide a crucial link between the chamber, its members, and the community. Our GPRC Ambassadors are passionate about the chamber and their involvement not only benefits our organization, but their participation within the committee helps their own business exposure as well.


Pauline Chomyszyn

Laberge Engraving

I am the second-generation owner of Laberge Engraving that has been operating in Spruce Grove for over 40 years.  Born and raised in the area, my husband of 29 years, Pat, and I have raised our children here as well.

As a GPRC Ambassador and longtime Chamber member, I thrive in face-to-face meetings, mixers, and social gatherings.  I’ve made some great connections!

I’m appreciative of the Chamber for all the information I can get.  From COVID-19 updates, to what’s happening in the region.  I think more importantly, and what many people don’t know is how hard the Chamber works on advocating for small business.  They support in so many ways!

Laberge Engraving has grown and transformed from a plaque and trophy store into a chic boutique style store. We still make plaques and trophies but have diversified. The one thing I love about how long we have been in business is that we have many of the same clients coming back and bringing their children and grandchildren. We are in the business of making memories that last!

Lauri McKinnon

Lauri MacKinnon

Mode LaVan Photography

I have 2 businesses: photography (Mode LaVan Photography) and leather making (Heavensphere), I really enjoy headshots and corporate photography.  I most appreciate the friendships from the Chamber, the real sense these ladies care; from Diana Pilla who originally got me involved with the Chamber, to Penny and Cathy, and then along came Sarah, Kendra, Julie and Jodie, all who have been instrumental in making me feel above and beyond a very important and respected member.  I have been very supported by them since I became a member over 3 years ago.  I feel more connected to the community and know what is going on around town as I feel like I am a part of a bigger picture.

I enjoy engaging with someone who is themselves and down to earth. One who wants to get to know me as well.  One who loves their community and wants what’s best for others as well.  I best engage with other members by networking and meeting them face to face. I love getting to know what makes people do what they do, what gets them up in the morning, and I really enjoy hearing their stories!

I started a new business making leather tote bags, called Heavensphere! Hopefully to grow it and have a business I can run from home since photography is slow.  Who knows what’s going to happen to our industry?   I love creating and keeping busy.

Rik Kaminsky

Rik Kaminsky

Solaré Canada Inc.

My current business is Solaré Canada, a renewables company started in 2013 by my brother and myself.

The Chamber is my "community".  It has provided many fantastic opportunities, helped me grow as a person, and has fostered life-long friendships.  It has exposed me to advocacy and its importance of creating relationships with municipal and provincial leadership. The Chamber has really broadened my horizons.

I best engage with members through personal interactions such as networking events, grand openings, and other community-based goings-on.  Because I have been involved at a high level for such a long time, I have had the good fortune of being at many of these, and am now engaged by those same people.

I really have no preference in the types of members I engage; we all share commonalities such as challenges, triumphs, and all the ups and downs of running businesses.

I am a long-time resident of the region, having moved here at 8 years old, and with the exception of a 4-year stint in the Canadian Navy, I have lived between Parkland County, Spruce Grove, and currently in Stony Plain.  I believe that we have a responsibility as both citizens and business partners to support the Communities that support us, and to give back in whatever way we can.  I feel that if we support each other, whether shopping local, promoting each other, or making meaningful connections, our businesses can thrive and become the best corporate citizens possible.

I was also a founder in Drill-Tek MWD services, and oilfield tech company based in Spruce Grove.  Within the time of Drill-Tek, I was also in the real estate industry for 7 years.  I chose this Region as I am familiar with it, lived here forever, and really cringe at the thought of having to drive more than 10 minutes to work.  I feel there's enough opportunity around here, although we do work all over the Province.


Kevin White

TRINUS Technologies

I am with TRINUS Technologies which is an IT “Managed Services Provider”, specializing in providing and maintaining Technology Solutions for businesses and other professional organizations.

As a GPRC Ambassador, I best engage with other Chamber members during round table discussions related to advocacy or Chamber improvements.

I’m appreciative of the Chamber’s ability to get members networking and collaborating together to address business concerns.  The Chamber’s advocacy program provides a proven, effective method to impact policy at all levels of government.  I am pro-business focused and enjoy working on advocacy opportunities.  The Chamber has an important role to play as the voice of business and is only effective if there are engaged members willing to provide their ideas and expertise.

TRINUS Technologies is an established business rooted in Stony Plain because it’s close to home as well as being close enough to Edmonton to receive supplies and talent, knowing that this is a great business community.

GPRC Ambassadors

Place introduction text here.


Partim orba seductaque. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.

Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.

Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.

Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli.

Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli.